ADHD Spotlight Interview with Liv Pollard
We chatted with Liv, our YAA (Youth Action Academy) about how having ADHD impacts her. She speaks from the heart and particularly about the impact within the school setting.
What is ADHD?
It stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. It is more an inability to regulate executive functions (for example -working memory,emotional regulation, time management/awareness, organisational skills - ability to prioritise and start tasks etc). The name itself is frustrating because it does not accurately represent the condition and causes misconceptions, for example not everyone with ADHD presents as hyperactive, despite it being in the name- girls in particular tend to mask and present as more inattentive.
What are some common traits that people with ADHD have?
Important to note: (varies from person to person)
Challenges with punctuality
Sensory Issues
Difficulty processing information
Poor working memory
Seeming lack of organisational skills
Hyperfocus (regarding personal interests)
For you personally, what is it like to have ADHD?
It’s interesting - It can be rough at times and sometimes it can be really hard to do basic things, not being able to pay attention to things that are important can be really stressful. I procrastinate everything, even things I enjoy doing which is really frustrating. Everything feels disorganized and that can be really overwhelming. However it has some ups, for example I see and view things in a different way which can help with my photography. I tend to notice things that others don't.
How old were you when you found out you have ADHD and how did you feel about it?
It was suggested to me a little bit before I turned fourteen and then we went privately while I was fifteen. I was partly relieved - I realised I was not going insane or was not broken in some way. However, I also didn't like being labelled or feeling stuck with something (or that having ADHD made me different and I was stuck with it for life). Then another part of me didn't believe I had it and was in denial.
Do you think there are any misconceptions attached to ADHD?
Yes - I find a lot of people don't have an accurate basic understanding of what ADHD actually is and what it entails. It is frustrating when people don't realise how severe the symptoms are. Also, I’ve noticed that a lot of people believe if you care about something enough you can just magically do it, or if you work hard enough you can do something whether you have ADHD or not. This just isn't the case and when my procrastination frustrates the people around me - it’s always frustrating me a lot more. Other people have said only boys have it because they are more likely to present as physically hyper or more noticeably disruptive. Often, girls are better at masking (hiding symptoms and internalising) and it goes undiagnosed. Unfortunately, I did feel some stigma from having ADHD - what helped to deal with people's misconceptions was to do my own research and have evidence to hand so I can correct them when they made inaccurate comments and overtime I found their opinions became increasingly irrelevant.
How did getting a confirmed diagnosis impact your life?
The relief was huge as I was struggling so badly in school at the time, and I was in and out of online school because of Covid. I couldn't attend the online call and so the biggest thing was relief as some teachers slowly became more understanding as to why I struggled with certain things. I had some ALN support and this helped in school. The diagnosis helped in terms of how I was treated by teachers, some had previously called me careless and lazy and this stopped.
What strategies have you found to be helpful while managing ADHD symptoms?
Practising patience -trying to not listen to those little negative internal voices when things aren't going my way
No longer forcing myself to do things that I hate but moving towards things I actually enjoy, learning new languages
Listening to music (depending on what else I am doing)
Lots of walks - this helps me think clearly
Medication - tried this and unfortunately they didn't help me but I know they help a lot of other people with ADHD.
I have an ADHD coach and she's really helpful
What was it like having ADHD in school?
It was terrible because I am smart and generally do well academically which comes with pressure because everyone is like ‘ah you can do so well if you focus’. I don't think the education system is built for people like us.
I also found processing my school day at the end of each day difficult because once I left the school gates it seemed that all thoughts/feelings faded away as I got distracted by other things. It felt like out of sight, out of mind so I would unintentionally suppress things and then get a sense of dread when I would have school again the next morning.
How do you think schools can become an even more inclusive place to be for young people with ADHD?
Educating teachers even at a foundational level about ADHD or signs of how it can present in kids, detect the signs sooner. The sooner kids know they have it, the less emotional damage it can cause long and short-term, for instance teachers can be more understanding/tolerable to any challenges you face.
Be careful to not make students feel like they are not trying, (I was so exhausted from how tirelessly my brain was working even if it didn't show on the outside)
What support would you recommend to be put in place for a child/teenager who has ADHD?
Listening to them (it might be difficult to understand what they are going through but trust them to know themself and try to validate what they are saying)
Don't assume that they can't be bothered to do something. Allow them the space to be upset about it because it can be really tough.
Give clear instructions and gentle reminders
Are there any support services/resources that you would recommend to a young person navigating having ADHD?
ADHD 2.0 - Edward M, Hallowell MD. & John J. Ratey MD
A Book About ADHD - Polly Duhig (Approved by Place 2 Be)
Social media influencers can offer personal experiences around ADHD:
Connor Dewolfe (makes funny sketches about ADHD symptoms (occasionally also dyslexia & autism)
Find out more about our young person’s project and how to get involved here.