Young Person’s Project

Mental Health Manifesto - Action For Our Future

For young people ages 10-24, living in a single parent household, codesigning what they need to create positive pathways to a mentally healthy future.

Opportunities to make new connections, have your voice heard and develop new skills. All with empowering support from our amazing team and young person mentors.

How to get involved:


Divided into different age groups, these socials are decided by you, around your interests. Like board games cafe, bowling, crafts, coffee shops and more.

We have trips away as well.

A great way to connect with others just like you, in a fun, safe space.

All free and includes snacks and food.


Designing, developing and filming different kinds of training sessions to boost knowledge and leadership skills. Like screen printing, learning about coproduction, listening skills and more.

All around things that matter to you and centred around building healthy relationships.


Become a Champion 4 Change and organise an event or social, start a campaign or make your mark behind the scenes or online. Having a wider impact on your community.

Plus join our Youth Action Academy where you get to grow your leadership skills and be the bosses of this project.

Get Social

If you like the sound of this then, we organise lots of events and socials for young people from single parent households to connect:

Keep up to date with our latest events and book on.

Events Coming Up

Get Resourceful

There are lots of ways to access loads of support on our Children and Young People Zone especially if you’re struggling with your mental health.

Get In Touch

We also have a Children and Young Person Parents WhatsApp group, email us to get added!


Get To Know Us

Want to get a feel of our Young Person's Project and find out more?

Meet Our Champions 4 Change

  • Anya

    “My favourite part of being a C4C is running the Connection Cafe”

  • Joesph

    “My favourite part of being a C4C is helpin to run the Game Changer football course”

  • Lily

    “My favourite part of being a C4C is helping in the animal area at The Big Meet Ups”

  • Mason

    “My favourie part of being a C4C is doing the activities, helping at events and havin good company with others my age”

  • Samin

    “My favourite part of being a C4C is doing the activities”

  • Violet

    “My favourite part of being a C4C is helping to run the Connection Cafe”

Become a Champion 4 Change.

If you’ve enjoyed our young person’s events and want to be more involved, our volunteering opportunities could be for you! 

We have four key areas for volunteers to get involved with:

  • Events

  • Online content

  • Befriending / Being a Buddy 

  • Youth Action Academy

    As a volunteer, you could:

  • Work with staff to decide what the project does

  • Share your views and ideas on how to tackle issues that matter to you 

  • Have your say on what events, trips and workshops should take place

  • Help organise the events and trips

  • Create content such as blogs, vlogs and social media posts

  • Be involved in our podcast

You don’t have to get involved with everything, you can choose what interests you and what you feel comfortable with.

In return you will get:

  • Experience to add to your CV

  • Opportunities to attend training and workshops

  • Earn time credits

  • Volunteer merch that has been designed by our Champions 4 Change

  • Extras like pizza and snacks at events and meetings 

How do I become a volunteer?

Simple! Fill in the form below with your contact details and Charlotte, our volunteer manager, will arrange to have a chat with you. This is an opportunity to talk about the key areas that you’d like to get involved with. Don’t have a reference or looking to get one? No problem, we offer observed references. 

Together we will create a role unique to you, based on your skills, interests and future aspirations. Then there are a few short forms to complete, we can help you fill these in.

If you have any questions about the role or application process, please contact: 

Talia Stimpson
Young Person’s Volunteer Manager

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