We are a peer led organisation dedicated to being an integrated part of our community.
We value working with organisations across Wales that offer services to our members.
We’d love to hear all about your projects, and have many ways we can work together.
Attend our Learn, Share and Network Event
SPW Knowledge, Share and Network events are informal ways of bringing third sector organisations together. With opportunities to learn, cross refer, signpost and build future partnerships.
Next Learn, Share and Network Event
Feature in our Newsletter and Blog
We also offer third sector organisations the opportunity to share their knowledge and information around what projects they are running and how to make a referral or find out more information. By featuring as a spotlighted interview in our monthly newsletter.
Cross Referrals and Sign Posting
Find Out what projects we are running to refer single parents onto and let us know how we can also cross refer and add your organisation to our resources page.
We work with a diverse range of single parents, but everything we do is run by single parents. With a main focus on the wellbeing of the parents. We aim to empower our single parents and lead with peer support and volunteers.
Latest Jobs
Join our ever expanding SPW team with truly flexible working environment and a mentally healthy place to work. We have an open recruitment process with independent interview panel people, so everyone is welcome to apply.
Single Parents Wellbeing is a peer led, compassionate, positive and empowering approach to being in a single parent household with a focus on mental health.
We are leading on an exciting project funded by The National Lottery Community Fund called A Mental Health Manifesto- Action for our future.
Over the 4 years of the project we will discover, define, develop and deliver a programme of resilience tools and activities around ensuring that 10-24 year olds from a single parent household have a mentally healthy future. The project has children and young people leading, steering, designing and implementing the change that they would like to see to systems, services and their communities.
This project is in partnership with Public Health Wales, Swansea University, Mental Health Foundation and Heads Above the Waves.
SPW Youth Events and Engagement Officer for Newport
18 hours per week | £11,512.80pa
This creative role will be integral in the set up and engagement of children and young people in this project. The role will also be responsible for co-producing events and an action based learning approach to ensure that children and young people’s voices are heard from single parent households.
Job Description
Organise, pilot and facilitate activities and events/ meet ups coproduced with CYP.
Coproduce and design innovative ways to implement action based learning
Foster a creative environment for exchange of ideas and possible solutions.
Implement a peer led approach to working with CYP.
Have a knowledge and grasp of adhering to budgets and KPIs of a project.
Engage and network with a group of young people from diverse single parent families, single parents, partners and organisations working with young people. Uphold Inclusivity.
Create online content to further support young people and to engage a wider audience of young people from single parent households
Coproduce and empower children and young people to discover, define, develop and deliver a programme of activities throughout the life of the project.
Set up activities and resilience programme with CYP and CYP Action Group, including monitoring and feedback of these sessions and liaising with partners around evaluation.
Complete Field Notes and admin around events
Work with key partners throughout communities and across sectors to promote the project.
Feed into training needed by CYP and C4Cs volunteering on the project
Attend partner meetings and where possible get CYP to attend and chair the meetings.
Act as a role model for creativity and positive relationships with CYP
Personal Specification
Demonstrates key behaviours that encompass SPW main aims, including having a compassionate, empowering and collaborative approach to your work.
Essential experience in working with mental health, wellbeing, single parents and complex issues. Including having personal experience of being a single parent or from a single parent household.
Youth work experience: leading groups and running events for young people, building positive relationships and being a reliable role model to vulnerable children.
Good communication skills across partners and children and young people
Organisation skills,
Event planning/delivering
Experience of working across partners
Engagement experience
Action based and peer led approach experience
Ability to use social media and tech platforms from Gsuite
SPW is actively committed to promoting positive mental health and a
productive workplace, through a pioneering model of support around
flexible working. We welcome an individual approach and conversations with
employees around this.
We are committed to actively diversifying our team here at Single Parents Wellbeing. We
know that people from underrepresented groups can sometimes hold back from applying if
they don’t meet all of the criteria. We care much more about getting to know you as a
person so if you’re on the fence – just go for it! If you are Black, Asian, any other ethnic
minority, or disabled, you are guaranteed an interview if you meet all essential criteria. We
also give the interview questions 30 minutes before the interview starts.
Please apply by sending a CV and a letter that covers how you meet each point of the
criteria of the role to sarah@singleparentswellbeing.com before the 23rd January.
Interviews will take place on the 3rd and 4th February.
Bydd y rôl greadigol hon yn rhan annatod o sefydlu a chynnwys plant a phobl ifanc yn y
prosiect hwn. Bydd y rôl hefyd yn gyfrifol am gyd-gynhyrchu digwyddiadau a gweithio
dull dysgu sy’n seiliedig ar weithredu er mwyn sicrhau bod lleisiau plant a phobl ifanc yn
eu clywed o gartrefi un rhiant.
Disgrifiad Swydd
1. Trefnu, treialu a hwyluso gweithgareddau a digwyddiadau/cyfarfodydd wedi
cydgynhyrchu â PPI (Plant a Phobl Ifanc).
2. Cydgynhyrchu a dylunio ffyrdd arloesol o roi dysgu seiliedig ar weithredu ar waith
3. Meithrin amgylchedd creadigol ar gyfer cyfnewid syniadau ac atebion posibl.
4. Gweithredu ymagwedd a arweinir gan gymheiriaid at weithio gyda PPI.
5. Meddu ar wybodaeth a dealltwriaeth o gadw at gyllidebau a DPAau (Dangosyddion
Perfformiad Allweddol) prosiect.
6. Ymgysylltu a rhwydweithio gyda grŵp o bobl ifanc o deuluoedd un rhiant amrywiol, rhieni
sengl, partneriaid a sefydliadau gweithio gyda phobl ifanc. Cynnal Cynwysoldeb.
7. Creu cynnwys ar-lein i gefnogi pobl ifanc ymhellach ac i ymgysylltu â chynulleidfa
ehangach o bobl ifanc o gartrefi un rhiant.
8. Cydgynhyrchu a grymuso plant a phobl ifanc i ddarganfod, diffinio, datblygu a chyflwyno
rhaglen o weithgareddau trwy gydol oes y prosiect.
9. Sefydlu gweithgareddau a rhaglen wytnwch gyda PPI a Grŵp Gweithredu PPI, gan
gynnwys monitro ac adborth sesiynau hyn a chysylltu â phartneriaid ynghylch gwerthuso.
10. Cwblhau Nodiadau Maes a gwaith gweinyddol o amgylch digwyddiadau.
11. Gweithio gyda phartneriaid allweddol ar draws cymunedau ac ar draws sectorau i
hyrwyddo prosiect.
12. Bwydo hyfforddiant sydd ei angen ar wirfoddolwyr PPI a C4C ar y prosiect.
13. Mynychu cyfarfodydd partner a, lle bo modd, cael PPI i fynychu a chadeirio &
14. Bod yn fodel rôl ar gyfer creadigrwydd a pherthnasoedd cadarnhaol gyda PPI.
Manyleb Bersonol
1. Yn dangos ymddygiadau allweddol cwmpasu prif nodau SPW (RhSC), gan gynnwys
bod ag agwedd dosturiol, grymusol a chydweithredol at eich gwaith.
2. Profiad hanfodol o weithio gydag iechyd meddwl, lles, rhieni sengl a materion cymhleth.
Gan gynnwys profiad personol o fod yn riant sengl neu o gartref un rhiant.
3. Profiad gwaith ieuenctid: arwain grwpiau a chynnal digwyddiadau i bobl ifanc, meithrin
perthnasoedd cadarnhaol a bod yn fodel rôl dibynadwy i blant sy’n agored i niwed.
4. Sgiliau cyfathrebu da gyda phartneriaid a phlant a phobl ifanc.
5. Sgiliau trefnu.
6. Cynllunio/cyflwyno digwyddiadau.
7. Profiad o weithio ar draws partneriaid.
8. Profiad ymgysylltu.
9. Profiad o ymagwedd seiliedig ar weithredu ac a arweinir gan gymheiriaid.
10. Y gallu i ddefnyddio cyfryngau cymdeithasol a llwyfannau technoleg o Gsuite.
Mae SPW wedi ymrwymo’n frwd i hybu iechyd meddwl cadarnhaol a gweithle cynhyrchiol,
drwy fodel arloesol. l cefnogaeth ynghylch gweithio hyblyg. Rydym yn croesawu ymagwedd
unigol at weithio hyblyg a sgyrsiau gyda gweithwyr am hyn.
Rydym wedi ymrwymo i fynd ati i arallgyfeirio ein tîm yma yn Lles Rhieni Sengl. Gwyddom y
gall pobl o grwpiau heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol weithiau ddal yn ôl rhag ymgeisio os nad
ydynt yn bodloni’r holl feini prawf. Rydyn ni'n poeni llawer mwy am ddod i'ch adnabod chi fel
person felly os ydych chi ar y ffens - ewch amdani! Os ydych yn Ddu, yn Asiaidd, yn unrhyw
leiafrif ethnig arall, neu'n anabl, rydych yn sicr o gael cyfweliad os ydych yn bodloni'r holl
feini prawf hanfodol. Rydyn ni hefyd yn rhoi cwestiynau'r cyfweliad 30 munud cyn i'r
cyfweliad ddechrau.
Os gwelwch yn dda gwnewch gais trwy anfon CV a llythyr sy'n nodi sut rydych chi'n bodloni
pob pwynt o feini prawf y rôl at Sarah@singleparentswellbeing.com.