Interview Spotlight- Mental Health Foundation

Mental Foundation Interview Spotlight

We wanted to celebrate and tell you more information about Mental Health Foundation. We have partnered with MHF right from the start of SPW. They have really supported us to shape and move forward what we do with a focus on mental health. They really are the gurus of mental health in our eyes, and have so many great projects and ways to get involved. For mental health awareness week this year the theme is Nature and the Environment, which we can’t wait for!

Tell us the backstory behind Mental Health Foundation and the name. 

Not sure about the name itself but, since 1949, the Mental Health Foundation has been the UK’s leading charity for everyone’s mental health. With prevention at the heart of what we do, we aim to find and address the sources of mental health problems so that people and communities can thrive. We take a public mental health approach to prevention, finding solutions for individuals, those at risk and for society, in order to improve everyone’s mental wellbeing. 

There is more about the history of MHF here.

What projects and services do you offer in Wales?

The practical things we do: 

  • Community and peer programmes; we test and evaluate the best approaches to improving mental health in communities and then roll them out as widely as possible. For example, in Wales we work with the older adult giving them value and preventing loneliness and isolation in partnership with housing schemes. We also jointly run a Resilience Project in Cardiff and the Vale for children and young people focused on supporting schools with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). See out project page for more examples.

  • Research; we publish studies and reports on what protects mental health and the causes of poor mental health and how to tackle them. For example, in Wales we have worked with Gwynedd Youth Services in North Wales to help their whole service think through how they are impacting the mental health of young people in the work they do.

  • Public engagement; we give advice to millions of people on mental health. We are most well-known for running Mental Health Awareness Week across the UK each year. This year (May 2021) we will be running a campaign on ‘Nature and the Environment’. Last year we ran a campaign on ‘Kindness’

  • Advocacy; we propose solutions and campaign for change to address the underlying causes of poor mental health. In Wales, we influence government to consider different approaches to mental health. For example, we have recently written a joint report with Public Health Wales about the rural industry of Fishing and the challenges they have with their wellbeing.

What we don’t do:  

  • We are not an academic think tank or research institute. We generate and apply evidence in real world settings.  

  • We are not a mental health service provider for when people are unwell.  

  • We don't only focus on individual actions and steps - we look at both the personal and societal changes that can improve and protect everyone’s mental health. 


Who do you partner with to be able to offer your services?

 Anyone who has a good idea and fits into our aims and values 


Can you give us an insight into the current research around Covid-19 being done?

MHF have completed research called ‘The Covid-19 pandemic, financial inequality and mental health. You can have a read of it here.


What can partners do to support Mental Health Foundation?

There are so many ways that people can get involved from campaigning, fundraising and donating. Check our website for the ways people can get involved


Why do you work for Mental Health Foundation?

I believe in prevention – in working further ‘upstream’ to prevent the issues with wellbeing developing or getting worse. I also believe in building capacity within the public and general workforce so that wellbeing and mental health really is ‘every body’s business’. I also believe in getting justice for the many ‘un-equals’ in life. My own values align to MHF.


What does 2021 have in stall for MHF?

We have an exciting theme for Mental Health Awareness Week as mentioned above – Nature and the Environment (and its impact on mental health). This will be launched in May so look out for it!


How can we find you on social media and online?

Facebook: @mentalhealthfoundation

Twitter: @mentalhealth

Instagram: @mentalhealthfoundation

Youtube: @ukmentalhealth

Interested in featuring as a Partner or want to know more about our networking meetings? Then get in touch!


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