
Single Parent led blogs about single parent lives.

Money Amy Holland Money Amy Holland

Using Record Low Mortgage Rates To Pay Off Debts – What You Really Need To Know By Samantha Borge

2020 threw financial challenges at the world and as usual, Single Parents felt the pinch harder than most. Many had to lean that little bit harder on credit cards when furlough hit, working hours reduced or worse, jobs disappeared altogether. For Single Parents who have managed to stay on the housing ladder personal debts like loans and credit cards can be consolidated into a mortgage to take advantage of record low mortgage rates.

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Money Amy Holland Money Amy Holland

What To Teach Your Children About Money By Money Coach Talia Loderick

Talia Loderick is a Money Coach, based in Cardiff. Talia offers one-to-one coaching helping women understand their emotions and beliefs around money so they can improve their behaviour with money, feel better and be better with money.

Talia also delivers financial education workshops to 11-19-year-olds in schools, colleges and community groups, helping young people build lifelong money-management skills.

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Money Amy Holland Money Amy Holland

The Mortgage Market and Adverse Credit – The Reality May be Better Than the Perception By Samantha Borge

I've been a member of SPW for the last few years, and have found the group a huge support. More recently, I've helped some of our single parents through my work by helping them to buy their own homes, buy out exes, remortgage and straighten out their finances using the equity in their homes. Many of those conversations have started with "I don't think I will be able to....", so I've started a series of blogs on lending issues that are likely to arise post Covid. I know first hand that single parents often feel these pinches more than anyone. This first blog is about mortgage lending with adverse credit, which is often more possible than people realise.

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