Media Consent Form.
Photography, audio, video and text.
I consent to the capturing and use of photographs, audio, text (such as quotes and blog) ,and video recordings taken of me or a child (under 18 years) I am the parent or carer of. By signing this form, I give permission for Single Parents Wellbeing to use the photographs, recordings or text in or on:
The internet including social media.
Publications and promotional materials including blogs, press releases reports, fliers, podcasts evaluation and posters.
Other channels used to promote the work of Single Parents Wellbeing and/or its partners.
I acknowledge that I may withdraw my consent at any time by contacting Single Parents Wellbeing to let them know not to use the photos or recordings anymore.
Under the 1998 Data Protection Act, your rights include:
• Your consent (to the publication of you or your child's images) can be withdrawn at any time.
• Your images/recordings will not be used for any other purpose without your further consent.
• The contact information you have provided will only be used to contact you about these images.
Conditions of use
• We'll not include personal e-mail, postal addresses or telephone numbers on video, our website or in printed publications and advertising.
• We may use group or class images with very general labels such as 'workshop attendees’.
• We may use the image in literature unrelated to when the photograph was actually taken.
• We may include your full name with the image, please let us know if you would prefer to not have full name.
• We'll retain your consent form for five years, however we reserve the right to store and retain the images/recordings in our archive indefinitely.
• These images and recordings may also be used across the Single Parents Wellbeing.