
Record the incident using the incident reporting form below. This is sent directly to the Safeguarding Lead

The actual words spoken should be used as much as possible. Specific facts relating to named people, dates, places etc. should be recorded.

Please record your name and the date. All electronic safeguarding records will be stored in a central electronic folder in HR with limited access to Safeguarding Leads only.

Safeguarding Lead- Amy Holland- 7th Jan 2022

Contact details of relevant authorities:

Reporting a safeguarding concern about a young person up to the age of 18 years:

• If you’re worried about a child or young person in your family or community, please call 101.

• Alternatively you can contact social services in your area. The contact information is available via the local safeguarding boards.

All local boards contact information for children linked here:

Reporting a safeguarding concern about a person aged over 18 years:

• If you’re worried about an adult in your family or community, please call 101.

• Alternatively you can contact social services in your area. The contact information is available via the local safeguarding boards.

All local boards contact information for adults linked here:


• Contact the police (if individual in immediate harm)

• Contact the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000- trained professionals can talk through your concerns and give expert advice.


Wales CYP Safeguarding children: working together under the Children Act 2004 (2006)

Safeguarding Children and Young People from Sexual Exploitation 2014 – (supplementary guidance to the above)

Well–being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015

Adults In Safe Hands (2009)

Protection of Older People in Wales: A guide to the law (2014)