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+ Websites & Helplines
Internet Safety Websites For Parents
Net Aware: A Guide and research for apps, games and social media.
Common Sense Media: Reviews for what your kids want to watch (before they watch it).
Internet Matters: Helping parents keep their children safe online
Internet Matters - Parental Controls: Our step by step guides will help you to set up the right controls and privacy settings on the networks, gadgets, apps, and sites
Digital Friendly Wifi: The Friendly WiFi symbol tells you where the service meets minimum filtering standards – particularly in areas where children are present.
Child Net: Online safety activities you can do from home.
NSPCC Guide to Online Grooming
BBC Own It: We are here to help you be the boss of your online life. Whatever you need – help and advice, skills, inspiration - we've got it covered.
Stop It Now: Our confidential helpline, live chat and secure messaging service are open as usual for anyone with concerns about child sexual abuse prevention.
UK Safer Internet Centre: Advice for parents and carers about phones, including starting conversation with your child about using a phone safely.
40+ tips and tricks for students to embrace the power of sleep for wellbeing and learning
Other Website Resources
Letters to Strangers
A global youth lead organisation that aims to destigmatize mental health and make proper treatment affordable for kids age 13-24. They also raise awareness that it is a personal experience and that everyone's experience is different. They do this by providing letter writing, letting everyone have a voice and share their own experience, they also do this by training youth leaders, fundraising. They also have a really good section on Immediate help and Education with a list of phone numbers to call in a crisis.
Teen central online platform
This website is really good because teens can anonymously send in their concern/worry about anything and someone will respond with advice/info/ the right people to contact. They also have a really good lay out and put key words in bold which i think is helpful.
A Mental Health Tool Kit
Incredible Welsh resources page for young people age 11-25 that we could sign post young people to for help with mental health/support lines
Young Person Mental Health Kit
(11-25 year olds) with Six Playlists: Crisis, Anxiety, Keeping Healthy, Low Mood, Loss
Young Somerset
Largest youth charity in Somerset. Working to achieve social and economic outcomes with young people.
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
Resources for parents and carers (Resilience Project) - videos and mental health top tips.
CAMHS Resources
Collection of Websites to provide information and support for young people and families.
The Education Hub
Mental health resources for children, students, parents, carers, school staff.
Young Minds
Fighting for young people’s mental health.
Reading Well Supporting children’s mental health and wellbeing.
The Reading Agency
Tackling life's big challenges through the proven power of reading
For children and young people.
Children’s Books on Mental Health
[Preventing Self-harm in Teens: A Guide for Appropriate Intervention] [27] [27]:
116 123 anytime
0800 585 858 anytime
Text Shout to 85258, completely free, anytime
0300 123 3393 anytime
MindLine Trans+
A confidential emotional, mental health support helpline for people who identify as transgender, agender, gender fluid and non-binary.
0300 330 5468
Anxiety UK
0344 477 5774 anytime
Young Minds
Parents helpline Mon Fri 9.30-4pm
0800 802 5544
No Panic
0844 967 4848
0300 304 7000
Get Connected
0808 808 4994
The Crisis Text
+ Books
The Pigeon Has Feelings Too By Mo Willems Do pigeons have feelings? Are hot dogs yummy?
The Bad Mood And The Stick By Lemony Snicket Sometimes it takes a bad mood to make everything right.
Good Days Bad Days By Catherine and Laurence Anholt Every family has good days and bad days too...
Worried Arthur By Joan Stimson and Jan Lewis Arthur is a penguin and a worrier. With gentle encouragement
Ruby's Worry By Tom Percival Arthur is a penguin and a worrier. With gentle encouragement
Two Nests By Laurence Anholt and Jim Coplestone This gentle, sensitive story about family seperation has a loving message and a happy ending, as Baby Bird floes between two nests.
The Invisable String By Patrice Karst This joyful contemporary classic for all ages has helped comfort and heal countless readers by easing seperation anxiety, loneliness, and loss, while also exploring the intangible yet unbreakable connections between us all.
Living With Mum And Living With Dad By Melanie Walsh A book about seperation for very young children.
Two Homes By Claire Masurel Alex has two homes- a home where Daddy lives and a home where Mummy lives. But whether Alex is with Mummy or Daddy, one thing always stays the same; Alex is loved by both of them.
All About Feelings By Felicity Brooks and Frankie Allen How are you feeling today? This exciting exploration of different emotions helps young children learn to answer this imporant question in a lively and engaging way
Letters to Strangers
Written by youth for youth mental health!
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Have Your Say
“I think there is huge need for mental health provision for single parents and children who have gone through the breakdown of a family unit.”
— SPW Member
(On Storey Arms Trip) “It was a lovely opportunity to further bond with my kids at a stage where they're becoming more independent in their lives. My Kids loved mixing with the other kids and we have as a family made wonderful memories!"
— SPW Member
"Had lots of family fun in the great outdoors, so glad we came. Thanks for the opportunity"
— SPW Member
Over the past eight months Talia, the Volunteer Manager of the Youth Action Academy (YAA) has been coproducing a ‘Reverse Mentoring’ session. This involves the young people of the Academy talking to the staff working on the Mental Health Manifesto (MHM) project about their experience of certain topics. All of the Youth Action Academy members are from single parent households and so have a unique perspective to share with us.