Peer Lead Approach Training

Thank you for signing up to the SPW Peer Lead Approach Training, we are a completely peer led organisation, and want to get more single parents all over Wales involved in SPW, and in turn empowering other single parents to come on board too. We have broken down this training into manageable bitesize videos and worksheets. Which you can then complete the training in your own time at your own pace.

We wanted to jam pack the videos with lots of information and food for thought around becoming a peer led volunteer and give you the confidence to get involved. We are hoping that you are able to use this in other roles you may have and that it will be a good new addition to your CV.

In the training we cover:

  • The benefits of Peer Lead and what it actually means

  • Peer Lead ethos

  • Boundaries

  • Risk Assessments

  • Group Contracts

  • Diversity and Inclusion

  • Safeguarding

  • Mental Health and Being a Peer Lead

You will also get a certificate sent to you to recognise that you have completed the training.

Don't forget to check out the Peer Lead resources which we regularly update.

The videos are also available in English subtitles.

Retake this course?
Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.