
Single Parent led blogs about single parent lives.

Addictions, Single Parents Stories Amy Holland Addictions, Single Parents Stories Amy Holland

What It’s Like To Love And Let Go Of An Alcoholic Partner By Anon SPW Single Parent Member

Anon SPW member gives her honest and heart wrenching account of being with loving, and letting go an Alcoholic partner.

I have lived the life of ‘The Wife of an Alcoholic’ for many years. It’s not a moniker I would have chosen for myself, but it is who I have become. Now, it is an identity I want to shed. I have a mountain to climb to become ‘me’ again. I am rebuilding myself – my mind and body- from the ground up. 

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Addictions Amy Holland Addictions Amy Holland

Let’s Talk About Alcohol And Substance Misuse By Systemic Counsellor and Clinical Supervisor Peggy Sweeney

Have you become aware that you are using alcohol or substances more frequently than you used to? Or perhaps you have noticed that you are thinking about alcohol or substances a lot over recent weeks or months.

Are you aware that you are withdrawing from your family or aware that you are becoming less open and truthful about how much you are drinking or using.

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